Just wanting you to come around, so won't you won't you heed.

Morning dew droplets, pitter pat the streets.I who would walk this earth, whoever shalt i meets.Same old faces or new found surfaces they would i greet.But come around again my dear, you would i need.


To the ones that i have tried so hard.

I think i have apologised and said enough, but this will be the final. I have tried my best to tell you guys that i have changed. I have tried to be nice and everything. And even when i know that talking to you guys is going to make me look like a bloody retard and all, i still did. I went there, and swallowed all the scoldings until you guys promised me what i asked for. Do you think friends talk about them behind their backs? Just because you don't say it in front of us means you respect us?? Bullshit. If you want to know what is bullshit, its not me nor her. I said not to scold you, but i think its fair that i rebuke your post. With equal vehemence, and the same old stuff about BULLSHIT. Your self-denial, stubborn self is all but a pathetic reminder of how i have thought you guys out to be. Hypocrites even. One moment telling me that you're neutral, then another moment? Telling me that another that i'm disliked. If this is the way its meant to be, you know what? Fine. I accept. I ACKNOWLEDGE. But hey guess what, at least i bothered trying to explain myself. When my other seniors told me i didn't try hard enough, i went back for one last shot. So what you want from me now? Kneel and beg for forgiveness? No. You are not so great as to have that. And i would never expect to 'win' you guys since its practically 1- 'a whole army of self-deceived truth' . And you think that just by bringing up the past you can say that i'm a fucking bastard? Think again. Because i'm not the one, and you know who is. Bringing up the past, refusing to forget about it, being hypocritical, being petty, not recognising changes. Oh, so whos the mature one now? You?? No. absolutely NOT. Opinions? Form them with a proper base please thank you. Sarcasm makes you mature? I think you should suck thumb, and swallow that whole load of sarcasm. Because for the record, i came to you nicely. and i talk to you nicely. And all you gave me was a whole load of hostility and sarcasm. So you think you have the right to say i'm bullshit? To say i'm hypocritical? To say i'm immmature? I'm sorry you just don't. You just don't. And what kind of friends are you people? huh? When shes in trouble did you stand by her? or did you get all cold shoulder-ing style and start bad mouthing about her affairs. Dudes and dudettes, we arn't the ones with the issues, you guys are. Clear them up for goodness sake. Seriously. Stop thinking that you are so god damn smart ( yea i know you are, IQ speaking ONLY ) and going around forming invertebrate opinions about others. Get a life, because if disliking and being stubborn is all you guys live for, dying is a better option. Getting pissed at your posts? Pfft, i ain't, Because i'm mature. Proving it through action? I did, just that you guys CLOSE YOUR EYES when i do and say ' OH ITS A WHOLE LOAD'A CRAP' . You guys can continue hating and disliking me, gossiping about me, flaming me, and stuff like that. And you can continue saying some one is wrong, and spreading pathetic rumors about them. In the end, its not me who will lose out. Its the whole gang of you, because for the record. I'm not the only one who thinks your guys are like that. A WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE DO. Maturity??? I think its obvious who has that now. - so familiar uh, ms. -

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